.Introduction of the major subjects to be talked about at appointments of the Council of the EU over...
.Comments through Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup appointment of 13 September 2024....
.Key agenda items, comparative timing, social sessions as well as push possibilities....
.The Council revived the selective steps targeting those in charge of threatening or even endangerin...
.European Authorities Head of state Charles Michel provided a video recording message on the affair ...
.Weekly schedule of President Charles Michel, 9-- 15 September 2024....
.Press instruction in front of the Eurogroup appointment will occur on 11 September 2024 at 14.30....
.Eurogroup Head of state Paschal Donohoe supplied a keynote pep talk to Bruegel....
.In his keynote address to the Area of Greater london corporation, Eurogroup President Paschal Donoh...
.President of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, is travelling to Greater london to deliver a keynote s...